When technology overmatch matters, Draper delivers. Countering the varied threats faced by the U.S. military requires advanced technology across multiple disciplines and domains.
From pioneering precision guidance for munitions, designing autonomy architecture for unmanned undersea vehicles, advancing celestial navigation technology, developing algorithms for geospatial intelligence analysis, devising both hardware and software cyber security for embedded systems—and much more, Draper collaborates with our customers to ensure they have the capabilities they need when they need them.
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Tactical Assault Kit (TAK)
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Vader Modular Fuzzer (VMF)
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Hardware Assisted Defense System (HADES)
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Binary Piranha
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Enhanced Decision Support for Tactical CBRN Operations (EDS TACO)
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Autonomy in Complex Environments
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How can autonomous vehicles navigate unknown environments without relying on GPS?

Rad-hard Design
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Secure Micro Digital Data Link (SmDDL)
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Inherently Secure Processor
How can you protect mission-critical systems from attack by combining the security advantages of hardware and software?